43-150 Bieruń, Polska

ul. Świerczyniecka 87

++48 32 216-51-70

+48 32 216-51-71

Dbamy o ekologie

An integral part of the Europack Foils policy is environmental care. In order to protect the environment, we have launched a recycling line, thanks to which foil waste generated during the production process, as well as acquired waste, are processed into high-quality regranulate, which is a full-value raw material for further production. The granulate obtained as a result of recycling allows for the production of foil with very high technical parameters, enabling the production of foil bags of excellent quality.

The company’s activities are conducted in an environmentally friendly manner, and proper environmental management is one of its most important priorities.

We make every effort to maximize the use of raw materials and by-products, so as to reduce the amount of waste generated, while caring for their segregation and storage.

We implement the company’s environmental policy, taking into account the requirements and expectations of our customers and suppliers. We actively promote rational waste management in the environment of our business, and the continuous improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of business management is a priority for all employees of our plant.

Our offert trash bags


Contact us

tel. +48 32 216-51-70

tel. +48 32 216-51-71

faks +48 32 216-51-73


Europack Foils Sp. z o.o.

ul. Świerczyniecka 87

43-150 Bieruń, Polska